My studies and research concerning METAPHYSICS and human EVOLUTION have throughout modified my vision of the world, my attitude towards life have also influenced the way I express myself in my paintings. Allowing me to break free from limitations, past conditioning, “cloistered” thoughts, rules and imposed “truths”.
Liberating the form, as they are no longer boxed-in and imprisioned, let them become flexible, open and alive so they can set their ENERGY and ESSENCE free.
I need to express the flow, the liberation and the transition. To voice what I feel and not what I know, not what I have learnt, not what is trendy or considered “vanguard”.
My studies and research concerning METAPHYSICS and human EVOLUTION have throughout modified my vision of the world, my attitude towards life have also influenced the way I express myself in my paintings. Allowing me to break free from limitations, past conditioning, “cloistered” thoughts, rules and imposed “truths”.
Liberating the form, as they are no longer boxed-in and imprisioned, let them become flexible, open and alive so they can set their ENERGY and ESSENCE free.
I need to express the flow, the liberation and the transition. To voice what I feel and not what I know, not what I have learnt, not what is trendy or considered “vanguard”.
De la obra de Alicia Czerniak se desprende libertad y espiritualidad. La libertaddeunapinceladavigorosaygestual, pero representativaala vez.
Su obra comunica y expresa esa idea de apertura hacia lo cósmico con una energía que trasciende las fronteras del lienzo.
A través de una gama cromática pulcra, primaria e intensa, Alicia Czerniak nos introduce en su universo pictórico con una audacia que casi estremece. La contención y el orden de sus primeras obras desembocan de una manera evidente en el predominio matérico y en un movimiento y dinamismo libres y sin complejos.
La obra de Alicia Czerniak supone una manera personal y diferente de enfrentarse al acto de creación pictórica y aunque nos traslada a la memoria del expresionismo abstracto, su lirismo y su poesía nos introducen en un mundo creativo único y singular.
Una espléndida lección de cómo la sencillez de las formas puede conducir también a la belleza y a la reflexión más profunda.
Ángeles Hinojosa Tenllado
Antigua Curadora del Museo Nacional Reina Sofía (MNCARS) en Madrid, Doctorado de Investigación en Arte y Creación